Digital X-rays
There are many benefits to using digital dental x-ray images, including:
- When the digital x-ray image is exposed, it can be sent directly to a computer and viewed right away. For x-ray film to be exposed, a staff member must process it in special chemicals. This takes a few minutes.
- Digital x-ray images can be enlarged on the computer screen. This makes it much easier for you and the dentist to see the pictures. Traditional x-ray films are viewed actual size.
- Digital x-ray images can often be corrected without having to make another x-ray exposure.
- The dental office can print or copy your digital x-ray images. They can also be sent electronically to insurance companies, which may help claims get processed faster.
- Digital x-rays are environmentally friendly. They eliminate the need for film and film processing chemicals.
- Digital x-ray images require up to 70% less radiation.
Dr. Biermann is focused on making your dental experience as comfortable and safe as possible. Contact our office and we’ll be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.